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16 October 2017

CARE-MEDIFLORA at the 15th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society

The MAICh team presented the CARE-MEDIFLORA conservation actions in Crete at the 15th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society which took place at the Conference Centre of MAICh, Chania, Crete, 14 - 17 September 2017.

Care mediflora news

03 October 2017

HBK team has participated in the first European Community Exchange on Seed Diversity and Sovereignty in Barcelona, Spain

From Saturday 23rd to Wednesday 27th September 2017 in Barcelona, Spain had welcomed the first European Community Exchange on Seed Diversity and Sovereignty.

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02 October 2017

CARE-MEDIFLORA team meet in Crete, 18-20 September 2017

The CARE-MEDIFLORA team meet for their project meeting and joint field trip in Crete.

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13 July 2017

CARE-MEDIFLORA- Sicily field-trip, 6-8 July 2017

The third joint field trip of the project took place in Sicily from 6 to 8 July 2017. The sunny and hot biggest Mediterranean island hosted the CARE-MEDIFLORA team in its full composition. More than 20 botanists and conservation specialists participated in the 3-day field work, exploring some of the most beautiful sites of eastern Sicily.

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11 July 2018

Training for ex situ conservation by CARE-MEDIFLORA partners in collaboration with IUCN-Med in progress

Ex situ conservation techniques are not yet sufficiently known in some institutions in the South and East of the Mediterranean. In order to help fill this gap, IUCN-Med as part of the the IPAMed project (Important Plant Areas of the Mediterranean Region), in collaboration with CIHEAM Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh) in Crete and Hortus Botanicus Karalitanus (HBK) in Sardinia as part of the CARE-MEDIFLORA project, have offered to representatives of 11 partner institutions from 7 countries of the South and East of the Mediterranean practical trainings on the application of these techniques.

MAVA Foundation

Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group (IUCN/SSC) Sóller Botanical Garden Foundation, Balearic Islands Office of the Environment of Corsica - National Botanical Academy of Corsica Hortus Botanicus Karalitanus, Sardinia University of Catania, Sicily Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete Agricultural Research Institute, Cyprus Department of Forests, Cyprus