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26 January 2018

Advancement of ex situ conservation by the HBK team

The CARE-MEDIFLORA team in Sardinia (Hortus Botanicus Karalitanus, HBK) is actively involved in the ex situ conservation actions of the project. To date more than 80 selected target species, for a total of 123 seed lots, have been collected.

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18 January 2018

Réintroduction de Kosteletzkya pentacarpos sur le site de Pinia (commune de Ghisonaccia, Haute-Corse)

L’hibiscus à cinq fruits, Kosteletzkya pentacarpos (L.) Ledeb., est un taxon à répartition discontinue. On le trouve à l'ouest du bassin méditerranéen (Espagne, Baléares, Corse et Italie); puis, en Russie au niveau de la mer Caspienne et en Asie mineur. Il est absent du continent français..

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18 January 2018

Création de deux nouvelles populations d’Anchusa crispa sur deux sites de la Plaine Orientale de la Corse

Anchusa crispa Viv. est une espèce rare et menacée, endémique de Corse et de Sardaigne. Inféodée au littoral sableux, elle subit de nombreux impacts anthropiques liés notamment aux activités touristiques.

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04 January 2018

CARE-MEDIFLORA local event during the 20th Anniversary of the Sardinian Germplasm Bank, Cagliari (2017)

During the celebrations for the 20 years of the activities of the Sardinian Germplasm Bank (BG-SAR), a local event dedicated to CARE-MEDIFLORA was realised, in which the HBK team illustrated the project to the local authorities and stakeholders.

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07 December 2018

Translocation of Urtica rupestris to the Nature Reserve “Complesso Speleologico Villasmundo-S.Alfio”, Syracuse, SE Sicily

Urtica rupestris Guss. is a perennial herb, 30-100 cm tall, woody at the base without urticant hairs. This narrow endemic species is linked to sciaphilous plant communities where it colonizes rocky outcrops within mesophilous holm oak woods. It is exclusively found on the carbonatic substrates of south-eastern Sicily. According to the IUCN criteria, it is classified as VU.

MAVA Foundation

Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group (IUCN/SSC) Sóller Botanical Garden Foundation, Balearic Islands Office of the Environment of Corsica - National Botanical Academy of Corsica Hortus Botanicus Karalitanus, Sardinia University of Catania, Sicily Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete Agricultural Research Institute, Cyprus Department of Forests, Cyprus