in Media
About project actions
in Balearic Islands
25 May 2018 - CARE-mediflora team at Mallorca, 15-17 May 2018

2 May 2018 - The television program “Méteo, Temps i Natura” made a broadcast about the CARE-MEDIFLORA project, the importance of ex situ conservation in the seed bank and showed one of the in situ actions carried out in Majorca:
Other articles:
in Corsica
in Sardinia
in Sicily
in Crete
Several articles about the project and its activities:
Several publications in local media in view of CARE-MEDIFLORA information day at Anogeia, Crete, 30 November 2018:
in Cyprus
Article in main stream daily press, Politis newspaper, at (GR, 26 March 2018)