
CARE-MEDIFLORA capitalisation in Crete with new project for threatened plants

03 July 2020

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The experience acquired from CARE-MEDIFLORA serves as a foundation for a new 3-year project to protect threatened plants of Crete: “Development of a methodology for the enhancement and protection of populations of endangered plant species in Crete. Pilot implementation in the Prefecture of Chania”.


  • Development of the methodology for addressing the short and long term needs for conservation of endangered plant species and expanding the relevant scientific knowledge
  • Contribution to the conservation of threatened plant species in the Prefecture of Chania inside and outside the natural environment
  • Raising awareness, training and development of collaborations among competent bodies for the conservation of biodiversity


  • Application and harmonization of criteria for the elaboration of conservation priorities for endangered plant species in the Prefecture of Chania
  • Investigation of the best methodology for reinforcement/reintroduction of natural populations of selected endangered plant species
  • Ex situ conservation of germplasm of endangered plant species – Study of the ecophysiology of seeds

This project is implemented by MAICh in collaboration with the Decentralised Administration of Crete - Forest Directorate of Chania.

Duration: January 2020 - December 2022

Source of funding : Green Fund, National Funding Programme “Protection and Upgrading of Forests 2019”, Priority Axis 7 "Applied Research"

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MAVA Foundation

Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group (IUCN/SSC) Sóller Botanical Garden Foundation, Balearic Islands Office of the Environment of Corsica - National Botanical Academy of Corsica Hortus Botanicus Karalitanus, Sardinia University of Catania, Sicily Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete Agricultural Research Institute, Cyprus Department of Forests, Cyprus