Creation of two new populations of Anchusa crispa at two locations of the eastern coast of Corsica
18 January 2018
Anchusa crispa Viv. is a rare and endangered species endemic to Corsica and Sardinia. Restricted to the sandy littoral, it is threatened by numerous human impacts linked in particular to the tourist activities. Thus, the only two populations of the eastern coast of Corsica are now endangered (see other related article here). All the measures implemented for nearly thirty years did not reverse the trend. It has therefore been decided, within the framework of the CARE-MEDIFLORA project and the National Action Plan "Anchusa crispa", to create two new "security" populations on managed places and controlled land.
Anchusa crispa
- CBNC carried out seed collections and cultivation of the taxon.
- Two sites belonging to the Conservatoire du Littoral (Cdl) and managed by the County Council of Haute-Corse (CD2B) were identified. They present the same ecological conditions as natural stations.
- An agreement has been signed between the owner of the land (Cdl), the manager (CD2B) and the Office of the Environment of Corsica (OEC).
- Ministerial authorizations to strengthen a protected plant species population were requested and obtained in November 2017.
The operation took place on November 29, 2017 with the agents of CD2B, Cdl and CBNC. 172 6-month-old plants (97 packed in 4-cm plug flats and 75 transplanted in 10-cm pots in October 2017) were planted and 200 seeds were sown on 3 test plots on the sandy littoral of Gradugine (Serra di Fiumorbu Commune) and Del Sale (Aleria Commune) (see table below).
The follow-up of the operation will be monthly for the first year, then annual (in May-June).
Left: 6-month-old plants packed in 4 cm plugs. Middle: 6-month-old plants packed in 10 cm pots. Right: Watering plants before planting